What Toothbrush Is Best For Braces?

Posted on 11/25/2019

Tips From Your Muscle Shoals Orthodontist


There's nothing like the feeling of confidence that comes from having a perfect smile. That's why at Hudson Orthodontics, we've made it our mission to provide every patient with a stunning smile they can be proud to show off for years to come. As your trusted orthodontist in Muscle Shoals, we're proud to offer exceptional service, helping our patients feel comfortable throughout their treatment. Because taking care of your oral health is so important when wearing braces, we aim to provide each patient with the tools they need to keep their smile perfect before, during, and after treatment. Here are some tips from your Muscle Shoals orthodontist on finding the best toothbrush for braces, so you can maintain top-notch oral hygiene at home.

The Best Toothbrush For Braces

With so many options, choosing a toothbrush for braces can be intimidating. However, you can quickly narrow down your search with a few tips.

First, look for brushes with an orthodontic cut. The bristles on orthodontic toothbrushes create a "v" shape, with shorter bristles in the center and taller bristles on the outsides. These brushes are specifically designed with braces in mind, and allow you to properly clean your teeth over your brackets.

Aside from the shape of your toothbrush, consider the size. Small, slim toothbrushes are ideal and will provide the best chance for a thorough cleaning. Look for a soft-bristled brush that is the correct size for your mouth. Some braces patients find it easier to use an electric toothbrush that moves in circular motions over the teeth, but a regular toothbrush can be just as effective. 

Your Muscle Shoals orthodontist can recommend toothbrush options that are right for you based on your orthodontic case, and on how you brush your teeth. 

Other Helpful Tools

We all know that brushing is crucial, but flossing is equally as important, especially when wearing braces. An interproximal brush, also called a proxy-brush, can be very useful in removing plaque and food particles from small crevices between your teeth and gums. A rubber-tipped gum massager can help with this as well. Many braces patients use waterpiks, or water flossers, to provide a very thorough clean before or after brushing. A waterpik shoots a tiny stream of water up into the places a toothbrush can't reach. All of these tools are very helpful for patients with braces who may find it more difficult to use regular floss.

Contact Your Muscle Shoals Orthodontist

At Hudson Orthodontics, we are committed to providing superior orthodontic care for patients of all ages. If you'd like more tips on caring for your smile during braces treatment, or if you have any questions on orthodontics, give us a call at (256) 383-8736 or contact us today. Your Muscle Shoals orthodontist will be happy to help! We look forward to hearing from you!